Stampede for the Buffalo April 4, 2002
Washington, DC

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Read Jim's thoughts on the event:
Long Narrative
Short Narrative

A buffalo...I think this one is named Loree.

People gather on The Mall in support of the buffalo

In front of the USDA, in part responsible for the slaughter

More free-roaming buffalo far from home
"Yellowstone buffalo an American treaure!  They need your help more than ever!"
Signs in support of Yellowstone bison graciously supplied by the Fund for Animals
We actually drew a modest security presence at the USDA.
The seal of the DOI should be changed to reflect the imprisoned status of the last "wild, free-roaming" herd.
Stampeding past the Washington Monument
Spring blossoms at full bloom, a mere fraction of the beauty of Wonderland
The giant, silent obelisk under whose gaze the silent beasts once roamed free
Look closely at the buffalo at the top of this unique flag.
Many good people work inside these walls, but not enough is being done.
Several workers at the DOI watched us.  Here is one.
A consultant for the Fund for Animals shares his thoughts and disgust for what is happening to the bison
A little buffalo ready to charge!
A very pleasant man who's worked 35 years on behalf of endangered species
Nathan conveyed the true spirit of the buffalo with his loving words for everyone on every side of the issue.
Mike Meese of Buffalo Field Campaign daily struggles on the front lines to protect these gentle giants.
Even Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton paid us a visit albeit she was a little late!

For more information on how you can help, visit the Buffalo Field Campaign.

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