The story behind the photo: Giant Geyser is a fairly large cone geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin not especially far from Grotto Geyser and the beautiful Morning Glory Pool.  In August 1998, during my fifth summer in Yellowstone and my ex-wife Loree's second, she was visited by her father, his wife, and Loree's sister.  They took a walk out this far from Old Faithful.  As one can tell, the day was glorious and Giant Geyser was inactive.  This helped her take a shot of Giant Geyser which was very pretty.  Giant Geyser in its activity rises to spectacular heights of over 200 feet.  However, during my years in the Park, Giant Geyser wasn't active. It would become active again in the middle of the next decade (2000s)   Also, it is pretty clear from the cone that at least one explosion was violent enough to help distort its sizeable cone.
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