Relevant section in BLUE BOLD FACE

    Mr. DIXON (when his named was called).  I have a general pair with the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. McLAURIN].  As he is absent, I withhold my vote.
    Mr. GIBSON (when his name was called).  I am paired with the senior Senator from Michigan [Mr. STOCKBRIDGE].  If he were present, I should vote "nay."
    Mr. HALE (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. RANSOM].
    Mr. PETTIGREW (when his name was called).  I am paired with the junior Senator from West Virginia [Mr. CAMDEN].  If he were present, I should vote "yea."
    Mr. PLATT (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from Virginia [Mr. HUNTON].
    Mr. PUGH (when his name was called).  I have a general pair with the senior Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. HOAR], but I am satisfied that if he were present he would vote "nay" on this proposition, and I have "nay."
    Mr. QUAY (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from Alabama [Mr. MORGAN].  If he were present I should vote "yea."
    Mr. VILAS (when his name was called.) I am paired with the Senator from Oregon [Mr. MITCHELL].  In his absence from the Chamber, I withhold my vote.
    The roll call was concluded.
    Mr. McPHERSON.  I am paired with the Senator from Delaware [Mr. HIGGINS].  If he were present I should vote "nay."
    Mr. PEFFER.  I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.  I have observed that a number of Senators have announced their pairs.  What I wish to inquire is, whether on a question of this kind pairs may properly be announced?  If the Chair will state the rule in reference to it he will relieve my mind on this matter.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The Chair will state to the Senator from Kansas that it is a subject over which the Chair has no jurisdiction.  It is a question for the determination of each Senator for himself.
    Mr. PEFFER.  Then, Mr. President, I ask that the Senators who announced pairs be requested to vote.
    Mr. GORMAN.  Regular order.
    Mr. CALL.  I am paired with the Senator from Vermont [Mr. PROCTOR], and therefore withhold my vote.
    The result was announced--yeas 17, nays 26, not voting 41; as follows:


Aldrich, Gallinger, Peffer, Teller,
Allen, Hansbrough, Perkins, Washburn.
Allison, Hawley, Power,
Cullom, Kyle, Shoup,
Davis, Martin, Stewart,


Bate, George, Mitchell, Wis. Turpie,
Berry, Gorman, Morrill, Vest,
Blanchard, Gray, Palmer, Voorhees,
Chandler, Harris, Pasco, Walsh,
Cockrell, Jones, Ark. Pugh, White.
Coke, McMillan, Roach,
Frye, Mills, Sherman,


Blackburn, Dubois, Lindsay, Quay,
Brice, Faulkner, Lodge, Ransom,
Butler, Gibson, McLaurin, Smith,
Caffery, Gordon, McPherson, Squire,
Call, Hale, Manderson, Stockbridge,
Camden, Higgins, Mitchell, Oregon Vilas,
Cameron, Hill, Morgan, Wilson,
Carey, Hoar, Murphy, Wolcott.
Daniel, Hunton, Pettigrew,
Dixon, Irby, Platt,
Dolph, Jones, Nev. Proctor,

    So the motion was not agreed to.


    Mr. CAREY.  I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill (H. R. 6442) to protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National Park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes.
    By unanimous consent, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consideration of the bill.
    Mr. VEST.  I have some further amendments to propose to the amendment reported by the committee in addition to those which I offered on Saturday.
    In section 4, line 41, after the word "years," I move to strike out the word "either," and the word "both," to strike out "together with the," and insert "and be adjudged to pay all;" so as to read:
    And shall be subjected to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding two years or both and be adjudged to pay all costs of the proceedings, etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In line 53 of the same section, before the word "punishment," I move to insert the word "other;" so as to read:
    Said forfeiture shall be adjudicated and ordered by the court as a penalty in addition to the other punishment provided in this act.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In section 5, line 24, before the word "appeal," I move to strike out the word "their;" so as to read:
    But the United States circuit court in said district may prescribe rules of procedure and practice for said commissioner in the trial of cases and for appeal to said United States district court.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In line 30 of the same section, before the word "cause," I move to strike out the word "proper," and insert "probable," so as to read, "probable cause is shown for holding the person," etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In the same section, line 33, after the word "State," I move to insert the words "of Wyoming."
    The amendment to the the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In line 37, of the same section, before the word "bailable," I move to strike out the word "offenses," and insert the word "cases," so as to be read:
    Provided, That the said commissioner shall grant bail in all cases bailable under the laws of the United States and said State.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In section 6, line 6, after the word "courts," I move to strike out the word "shall" and insert the word "may," so as to read:
    And the said United States district and circuit courts may hold one session, etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In the same section, line 7, after the word "Wyoming," I move to insert "or any other convenient place in said State of Wyoming" so as to read:
    May hold one session of said courts annually at the town of Sheridan, in the State of Wyoming, or at any other convenient place in said State of Wyoming at such date as the said courts may order, etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In section 7, line 1, after the word "act," I move to insert "shall, in addition to the fees allowed by law to other United States commissioners, be paid annually a salary of $1,000, to be paid quarterly."
    As the bill stands as proposed to be amended by the committee it only gives the commissioner, who must be a resident in the park, the same fees that are allowed by law to other United States commissioners appointed by the circuit court.  As a matter of course, anyone who knows that park will immediately agree that that would be no salary at all.  The commissioner will possibly have very few cases; no one can tell how many; and the fees would only amount to an insignificant sum, fifty or one dollars a year, upon which he could not live.  I submit if a commissioner is to reside in the park and stay there, winter and summer, he should receive a salary upon which at least he could live.  I propose to give him, besides the fees, $1,000 a year.  It is a responsible position, and there ought to be a good man appointed to it.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Missouri to the amendment reported by the committee.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In section 9, line 3, after the word "also," I move to insert the words "having in said building," so as to read:
    That the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be erected in the park a suitable building to be used as a jail, and also have in said building an office for the use of the commissioner, etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  I desire to offer two other amendments, which I overlooked.  In section 1 of the proposed amendment of the committee, line 3, after the word "Park," I move to strike out the words "in the State of Wyoming;" so as to read:
    That the Yellowstone National Park as now defined, or as may be hereafter defined or extended, etc.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  In section 4, line 29, before the word "hundred," I move to strike out "one" and insert "three;" so as to read:
    And shall forfeit or pay for each such offense the sum of $300.
    The amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. VEST.  I have no further amendments to offer to the amendment of the committee.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The question is on the amendment reported by the Committee on Territories as amended.
    The amendment as amended was agreed to.
    The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment was concurred in. Go to the next page

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