Relevant section in BLUE BOLD FACE

the water to the channel, and scouring out the bed by the erosive action of the waters.  But in the Fifty-first Congress that proviso was advisedly and deliberately stricken out, on the ground that the overflows in the Mississippi Valley, or prevention of overflows by the General Government, was a work of much national and interstate importance that it was absolutely necessary that the Government should undertake it and not the State.
    After full consideration and exhaustive debate, the prohibition to which I have referred was omitted from the river and harbor bill of the Fifty-first Congress and this action was followed by the Fifty-second.  The Mississippi River Commission has since undertaken the construction of a complete system of levees, having in view not only channel improvement, but the protection of the alluvial lands of the valley from overflow, a work second in importance and beneficence to none ever undertaken by this Government, if it is not the first.  This conclusion was reached not only I think because of the magnitude of the work and its national importance, but because no State had the necessary jurisdiction or power to perform it--one State could not protect itself by levees unless joined by those above or below on the river, and works considered necessary by one might be objected to by another.
    For the protection of the valley it was necessary that there should be one system which should embrace both sides of the navigation of the river by deepening its channel and removing obstructions in it, but would protect the transportation of the United States mails and the interstate commerce of the United States which was being carried on by railroads through that part of the country; and also of protecting an immense area from devastation by overflow.
    And I am now asking this House, in carrying out the plans which the Mississippi River Commission have adopted, of confining the waters of the river to the river itself, to refuse appropriations for the continuance of a work which will maintain the largest outlet which there is in the river at any point, and leave the Mississippi River Commission free to pursue what course they may see proper with reference to this question.  They can leave the Atchafalaya as the natural outlet of the waters which come down through the Red and Black and all of those tributary streams, and leave the Mississippi as it formerly was, when we were not subject to the overflows which have afflicted us since 1865, to carry off its own water.  And I believe that this will be conducive not only to the general welfare of the country there, but that it will result in an enormous saving of money to the United States.
    The CHAIRMAN.  The time of the gentleman has expired.  By order of the House, all general debate upon the bill is closed, and the clerk will now read the bill under the five-minute rule, for amendment.
    The Clerk read as follows:
    be it enacted, etc., That the following sums of money be, and are hereby, appropriated to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter named:
    Improving harbor at Camden, Me.: Continuing improvement, $12,000.
    Mr. CATCHINGS.  I move the committee do now rise.
    The motion was agreed to.
    The committee accordingly rose; and the Speaker having resumed the Chair, Mr. HATCH, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, reported that that committee had had under consideration the bill (H. R. 6518) making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes, and had come to no resolution thereon.


    Mr. PEARSON, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that they had examined and found truly enrolled bills and joint resolutions of the following titles; when the Speaker signed the same:
    A bill (H. R. 6073) to extend the limits of the port of New York;
    A bill (H. R. 6055) to authorize the construction of a bridge over the Monongahela River in the city of Pittsburg;
    A bill (H. R. 6442) to protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National Park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes;
    Joint Resolution (H. Res. 168) instructing the Secretary of War to return to the State of Iowa the flag of the Twenty-second Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry; and
    Joint resolution (S. R. No. 74) for the proper enrollment of Thomas R. Proctor in the Navy of the United States;


    Mr. HENDERSON of North Carolina.  Mr. Speaker, I have extended certain remarks, which I made upon the sundry civil appropriation bill, and I ask leave to print them in the RECORD.
    The SPEAKER.  The gentleman from North Carolina [Mr. HENDERSON] asks leave to have printed in the RECORD certain remarks upon the sundry civil appropriation bill.  Is there objection?
    There was no objection.


    Mr. DOCKERY.  I ask that the gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. RICHARDSON] be given leave of absence on account of sickness.
    There was no objection.
    By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted:
    To Mr. JOHNSON of Indiana, for this day, on account of sickness.
    To Mr. HOLMAN, for this day, on account of sickness.
    To Mr. GRIFFIN, indefinitely, on account of sickness.
    To Mr. BOWER of North Carolina, for two weeks, on account of sickness in the family.
    Mr. CATCHINGS.  Mr. Speaker, I ask leave of absence for the gentleman from Alabama [Mr. CLARKE] for fifteen days, on account of important business.
    There was no objection.


    The SPEAKER.  The House members of the Joint Commission to Investigate the Executive Departments ask to have made the following order which the Clerk will report.
    The Clerk read as follows:
    That the Committee on Appropriations be directed to incorporate in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill to be reported at this session, the provisions of the bill (H. R. 6948) improving the methods of accounting in the Treasury Department, and for other purposes, as the same passed the House May 2, 1894, and to report appropriations in accordance therewith in said appropriation bill.
    The SPEAKER.  Without any objection this order will be made.
    There was no objection.
    On Motion of Mr. DOCKERY, a motion to reconsider the vote by which the House agreed to the above order, was laid on the table.
    And then, on motion of Mr. CATCHINGS (at 5 o'clock and 4 minutes p. m.), the House adjourned.


    Under clause 2 of Rule XXII, the Committee on Invalid Pensions was discharged from the consideration of the bill (H. R. 6918) granting a pension to Delia Boyles and Luella Boyles, widow and minor heir of Daniel Boyles, late of Company K, Fourth Regiment United States Cavalry, and the same was referred to the Committee on Pensions.


    Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills and resolutions of the following titles were introduced, and severally referred as follows:
    By Mr. RAWLINGS.  A bill (H. R. 6994) providing for additional justices of the supreme court of Utah, and for other purposes--to the Committee on the Judiciary.
    By Mr. WRIGHT of Pennsylvania.  A bill (H. R. 6965) to pension certain widows and children of officers and enlisted men of the Army and Navy of the United States during the late war of the rebellion--to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.
    By Mr. Denson (by request): A bill (H. R. 6967) to stop the interest on national debt, and for other purposes--to the Committee on Ways and Means.
    By Mr. CADMUS (by request): A bill (H. R. 6968) to incorporate the Washington Traction Company of the District of Columbia--to the Committee on the District of Columbia.
    By Mr. HEARD (by request): A bill (H. R. 6976) requiring gates or guards to be erected at railroad crossings in the District of Columbia--to the Committee on the District of Columbia.
    By Mr. BARTHOLDT: A joint resolution (H. Res. 170) to authorize the purchase of the painting by Victor Nehlig representing Pocahontas saving the life of Capt. John Smith--to the Committee on the Library.
    By Mr. CARUTH: A joint resolution (H. Res. 171) relative to the officers of the Medical Corps of the Army and Navy--to the Committee on Military Affairs.


    Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills of the following titles were presented and referred as follows:
    By Mr. BRYAN: A bill (H. R. 6969) for the relief of Benjamin F. Poteet--to the Committee on Claims.
    By Mr. HUNTER: A bill (H. R. 6970) to grant increase of pen- Go to the next page

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