Relevant section in BLUE BOLD FACE

    The marvels of that park defy description, and I am glad that this House has had the wisdom to let this bill come up for consideration, in order that additional comforts may be provided for the people who visit that region, so that millions may enjoy a trip which will give them pleasure, education, and powers of language which even my friend from Maine [Mr. REED], who asked for this explanation, does not yet dream of. [Laughter and applause.]
    Mr. REED.  Mr. Speaker, I desire to say that I am satisfied with the explanation of the bill. [Laughter.]
    Mr. ADAMS of Pennsylvania.  Mr. Speaker, I rise out of sympathy for my friend from Iowa [Mr. HENDERSON], because twenty years ago I felt exactly as he feels to-day; for, as a member of the Geological Survey under Prof. Hayden, I stood on the verge of that same lake and fished in it and drew a trout out at that same spot and threw it into the same hot pool.  [Laughter.]
    Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa.  Now, will you gentlemen believe it? [Laughter.]
    Mr. ADAMS of Pennsylvania.  When I returned from that expedition, I know that every man to whom I undertook to describe it questioned my veracity [laughter], and my only object in rising now is to uphold the testimony of the gentleman from Iowa, although I must frankly confess that I caught only one trout instead of sex at a cast.  [Laughter.]
    Mr. DINGLEY.  I desire to offer an amendment.
    The SPEAKER.  There are some committee amendments which should be voted on first.  If there be no objection, the amendments of the committee will be agreed to.
    There was no objection.
    The SPEAKER.  The Clerk will now read the amendment sent to the desk by the gentleman from Maine [Mr. DINGLEY].
    The Clerk read as follows:
    On page 1, after the word "years," in line 5, insert, "at such annual rental as the Secretary of the Interior may determine."
    The amendment was agreed to.
    Mr. DINGLEY.  I move further to amend by striking out the last proviso on the second page.
    The SPEAKER.  The Clerk will read the proviso which the gentleman from Maine moves to strike out.
    The Clerk read as follows:
    And provided further, That persons or corporations now holding leases of ground in the park may, upon the surrender thereof, be granted new leases hereunder, and upon the terms and stipulations contained in their present leases, with such modifications, restrictions, and reservations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.
    Mr. HOPKINS of Illinois.  If a lease is renewed it seems to me that is practically a new contract--
    Mr. DINGLEY.  But I fear that this provision for revocation might not apply to existing leases which may be renewed.
    Mr. HAYES.  I think the gentleman is mistaken in that construction.
    Mr. DINGLEY.  If that is the fact I should be glad to be informed of it.
    Mr. HAYES.  This proviso contemplates that existing leases may be revoked and new leases granted "hereunder," which would make these new leases subject to all the provisions of this bill.  Under these provisions the existing conditions may be carried into the new leases.
    Mr. DINGLEY.  What, then, is the object of authorizing the renewal of the leases?
    Mr. HAYES.  So that they may be entirely subject to the provisions of law proposed in this bill.
    Mr. DINGLEY.  Why not leave the granting of leases to be determined by the other provisions of this bill, which expressly include the right of revocation?  What I desire is that all leases which may be granted or renewed shall be subject to revocation by the Secretary of the Interior.  Here is a great national park; and we ought not to grant to private persons any rights there which the Government may not at any time resume.
    Mr. HAYES.  Whenever the existing leases are surrendered and new ones taken, those new ones will become subject to this provision for revocation.  It is provided that the holders of existing leases may be "granted new leases hereunder"--that is, under the provisions of this bill.
    Mr. DINGLEY.  If that is the construction given to the language of the bill--and I desire that it shall go into the RECORD--if it is understood that existing leases which may be renewed, as well as new leases which may be granted, shall be subject to the provision for revocation, I withdraw my amendment.
    Mr. HAYES.  I think there is no doubt about that.
    Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa.  The bill as it stands provides thoroughly for all forfeitures and protects every possible interest.
    The SPEAKER.  The amendment of the gentleman from Maine being withdrawn, the question is on ordering the bill as amended to be engrossed and read a third time.
    The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and it was accordingly read the third time, and passed.
    On motion of Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa, a motion to reconsider the last vote was laid on the table.
    Mr. HENDERSON of North Carolina.  I call for the regular order.
    The SPEAKER.  The Chair would like to recognize the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Lacey].
    Mr. LACEY.  I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill which I send to the desk.
    The bill (H. R. 6442) to protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes, was read.
    Mr. COFFEEN.  I desire to introduce an amendment to this bill.
    The SPEAKER.  The first question is on granting unanimous consent for its consideration.
    Mr. STORER.  If there is a report, I hope it will be read before the question is taken on granting consent.
    The SPEAKER.  Without objection the report will be read.
    Mr. HOLMAN.  I hope the amendment which the gentleman from Wyoming [Mr. COFFEEN] proposes to introduce may be read before consent is given.
    Mr. COFFEEN.  I should be glad to state the substance of my amendment; and I must object to the consideration of the bill unless this amendment can be considered.
    The SPEAKER.  That is a matter for private agreement.  The question is upon granting unanimous consent for the consideration of the bill.  In the absence of objection the amendment can be read.
    Mr. HOLMAN.  I hope it may be read.
    The SPEAKER.  And the report can also be read.
    Mr. HOLMAN.  If the amendment has reference to the boundaries of this park, I shall have to object.
    Mr. COFFEEN.  It has not.  It has reference to holding a term of the Federal court for the State of Wyoming at the town of Sheridan, in the northern part of the State, near to this park, so that the facilities for reaching the Federal court may be increased.
    The SPEAKER.  The report will be read.
    The Clerk read the report.
    The SPEAKER.  Is there objection to the request for unanimous consent for the consideration of the bill?
    Mr. STORER.  I object.
    Mr. HENDERSON of North Carolina.  Regular order.


    A message from the President, by Mr. Pruden, one of his secretaries, announced that the President had approved and signed bills and joint resolutions of the following titles:
    On March 30, 1894:
    An act (H. R. 2640) for the relief of Brig. Gen. John R. Brooke, United States Army; and
    Joint resolution (H. Res. 147) authorizing the transfer of furniture and carpets to the rooms now occupied by the United States courts at Chicago.
    On March 31, 1894:
    Join resolution (H. Res. 144) authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Treasury to receive at the subtreasury in the city of New York, from R. T. Wilson & Co., or assigns, the money, amounting to $6,750,000, to be paid to the Cherokee Nation, and to place the same to the credit of the Cherokee nation.
    On April 2, 1894:
    An act (H. R. 1918) authorizing the Texarkana and Fort Smith Railway Company to bridge the Calcasieu and Sabine Rivers in the States of Louisiana and Texas;
    An act (H. R. 4013) to release and turn over to Mrs. Mary O. Augusta certain property in the District of Columbia; and
    An act (H. R. 913) for the relief of Louis L. Williams.
    On April 4, 1894:
    Joint resolution (H. Res. 146) providing for the payment of salaries and expenses of additional deputy collectors of internal revenue to carry out the provisions of the Chinese exclusion act of May 5, 1892, as amended by the act of November 3, 1893.
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