Relevant section in BLUE BOLD FACE


Bate, Coke, Lindsay, Vest,
Berry, George, Martin, Voorhees,
Blanchard, Gorman, Palmer, Walsh,
Butler, Gray, Pasco, White.
Call, Harris, Peffer,
Cockrell, Jones, Ark. Turpie,


Aldrich, Gibson, McLaurin, Quay,
Allison, Gordon, McPherson, Ransom,
Blackburn, Hale, Manderson, Roach,
Brice, Higgins, Mills, Smith,
Caffery, Hill, Mitchell, Wis. Squire,
Camden, Hoar, Morgan, Stewart,
Carey, Hunton, Murphy, Stockbridge,
Daniel, Irby, Perkins, Vilas,
Dubois Jones, Nev. Pettigrew, Washburn,
Faulkner, Kyle, Power, Wilson,
Gallinger, Lodge, Pugh, Wolcott.

    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  A quorum has not voted.  The Secretary will call the roll.
    The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names.

Allen, Coke, Harris, Pettigrew,
Allison, Cullom, Hawley, Platt,
Bate, Davis, Higgins, Proctor,
Berry, Dixon, Jones, Ark. Pugh,
Blackburn, Dolph, Lindsay, Quay,
Blanchard, Frye, McMillan, Sherman,
Butler, Gallinger, Martin, Shoup,
Caffery, George, Mitchell, Oregon Teller,
Call, Gibson, Morrill, Turpie,
Cameron, Gorman, Palmer, Vest,
Carey, Gray, Pasco, Voorhees,
Chandler, Hale, Peffer, Walsh,
Cockrell, Hansbrough, Perkins, White.

    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  Fifty-two Senators have answered to their names.  A quorum is present.  The question recurs upon the motion of the Senator from Oregon [Mr. DOLPH], upon which the yeas and nays have been ordered.
    The Secretary proceeded to call the roll.
    Mr. ALLISON (When his name was called).  On this question I am paired with the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. VILAS].
    Mr. BLACKBURN.  I suggest to the Senator that his pair with the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. VILAS] be transferred to the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. MANDERSON], with whom I am paired, and that will enable the Senator from Iowa and myself to vote.
    Mr. ALLISON.  Under the suggestion of the Senator from Kentucky, I transfer my pair with the Senator from Wisconsin to the Senator from Nebraska, and I vote "yea."
    Mr. CAREY (when his name was called).  I am paired with the junior Senator from South Carolina [Mr. IRBY], and therefore withhold my vote.
    Mr. DIXON (when his name was called).  I have transferred my pair with the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. McLAURIN] to my colleague [Mr. ALDRICH], and I vote "yea."
    Mr. GALLINGER (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from Texas [Mr. MILLS], but I transfer that pair to the Senator from Nevada [Mr. JONES], who is unpaired, and I vote "yea."
    Mr. HIGGINS (when his name was called).  I again announce my pair with the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. McPHERSON].
    Mr. PERKINS (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from North Dakota [Mr. ROACH].
    Mr. PLATT (when his name was called).  Upon the last roll call I voted inadvertently.  I am paired with the Senator from Virginia [Mr. HUNTON] and did not observe that he was absent.  I now withhold my vote.
    Mr. PUGH (when his name was called).  I am paired with the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. HOAR].
    Mr. QUAY (when his name was called).  I again announce my pair upon all questions with the Senator from Alabama [Mr. MORGAN].
    The roll call was concluded.
    Mr. CHANDLER (after having voted in the affirmative).  I desire to withdraw my vote, and announce I am paired with the junior Senator from New York [Mr. MURPHY[.
    Mr. HIGGINS.  As I have announced, I am paired with the senior Senator from New Jersey [Mr. McPHERSON].  The Senator from Maryland [Mr. GIBSON] is paired with the Senator from Michigan [Mr. STOCKBRIDGE].  The Senator from Maryland and I have arranged to transfer our pairs so as to enable us to vote.  I vote "yea."
    Mr. GIBSON.  I vote "nay."
    The result was announced--yeas 19, nays 25; as follows:


Allen, Dixon, Hawley, Proctor,
Allison, Dolph, Higgins, Sherman,
Cameron, Frye, McMillan, Shoup,
Cullom, Gallinger, Mitchell, Oregon Teller.
Davis, Hansbrough, Morrill,


Bate, Cockrell, Jones, Ark. Vest,
Berry, Coke, Lindsay, Voorhees,
Blackburn, George, Martin, Walsh,
Blanchard, Gibson, Palmer, White.
Butler, Gorman, Pasco,
Caffery, Gray, Peffer,
Call, Harris, Turpie,


Aldrich, Hill, Mills, Ransom,
Brice, Hoar, Mitchell, Wis. Roach,
Camden, Hunton, Morgan, Smith,
Carey, Irby, Murphy, Squire,
Chandler, Jones, Nev. Perkins, Stewart,
Daniel, Kyle, Pettigrew, Stockbridge,
Dubois, Lodge, Platt, Vilas,
Faulkner, McLaurin Power, Washburn,
Gordon, McPherson Pugh, Wilson,
Hale, Manderson, Quay, Wolcott.

    So the motion was not agreed to.


    A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. O. TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the following bills; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate:
    A bill (H. R. 509) for the relief of F. Y. Ramsey, the heir at law and distributee of Joseph Ramsey;
    A bill (H. R. 522) for the relief of Benjamin Alvord;
    A bill (H. R. 995) for the relief of J. M. Billings; and
    A bill (H. R. 6126) to amend an act to authorize the construction of a bridge at Burlington, Iowa, approved August 6, 1888, and amended by act approved February 21, 18901.


    The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the following enrolled bills; and they were thereupon signed by the Vice-President:
    A bill (S. 1928) to amend section 1 of an act approved April 6, 1894, entitled "An act to give effect to the award rendered by the Tribunal of Arbitration at Paris under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington, February 29, 1892, for the purpose of submitting to arbitration certain questions concerning the preservation of the fur seals;" and
    A bill (H. R. 5978) to authorize the construction of a steel bridge over the St. Louis River between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota.


    Mr. CAREY.  I ask at this time for the consideration of House bill 6442, and I should like, with the indulgence of the Senate, to make a brief explanation.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The Senator from Wyoming asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of a bill, the title of which will be stated.
    The SECRETARY.  A bill (H. R. 4642) to protect the birds and animals in Yellowstone National Park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for other purposes.
    Mr. CAREY.  Within a few days--
    Mr. BERRY.  Debate is not in order, I take it, on the pending motion.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  There is objection to debate.
    Mr. CAREY.  I do not propose to debate the motion, but I simply desire to give my reasons--
    Mr. BERRY.  I do not make any objection to that, but I wanted to remind the Senator from Wyoming that he objected a while ago to making a few remarks.  I shall not, however, object to his doing so.
    Mr. CAREY.  I ask unanimous consent to take up the bill the title of which has been read, and I think if the Senate will allow me to make a statement, there will be no objection to it.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The Chair will state to the Senator that the bill will first be read.
    Mr. CAREY.  As the Committee on Territories has reported an amendment to the bill in the nature of a substitute, I suggest that the substitute be read.
    The VICE-PRESIDENT.  The substitute will be read.
    The Secretary proceeded to read the amendment reported by the Committee on Territories; but before concluding was interrupted by
    Mr. ALLEN.  Mr. President, I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.  It is evident that the reading of this bill will occupy the remainder of the morning hour, and I wish to inquire, if that be true, whether the resolution which has been pending before the Senate and was passed over will retain its position for the morning hour on Monday as of to-day?
    Mr. CAREY.  I appeal to the Senator from Nebraska not to object to the bill for this reason: I hot out of his way a few days ago, when I had asked unanimous consent for the consideration of a bill, and three different bills were passed by unanimous consent immediately afterwards, and by the consent of the. Go to the next page

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